在纳米机电开关、主动声学超表面、纳米加工工艺、压电与磁电换能器方面做出一系列创新成果。至今在Nano Lett., IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., IEEE MEMS等知名期刊和国际会议发表文章20余篇,参与撰写专著并贡献1章,申请授权国际及中国专利5项。研究成果受到业界广泛关注和媒体报道。
1.Han, Jinchi, Jeffrey H. Lang, and Vladimir Bulović. An Ultrathin Flexible Loudspeaker Based on a Piezoelectric Microdome Array. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70.1 (2022): 985-994.
2.Han, Jinchi, et al. A Versatile Acoustically Active Surface Based on Piezoelectric Microstructures. Microsystems & Nanoengineering 8.1 (2022): 55.
3. Han, Jinchi, et al. Scalable Self-Limiting Dielectrophoretic Trapping for Site-Selective Assembly of Nanoparticles. Nano Letters , 22.20 (2022): 8258-8265.
4.Han, Jinchi, Jeffrey H. Lang, and Vladimir Bulović. A Thin-Film Piezoelectric Speaker Based On An Active Microstructure Array. 2022 IEEE 35th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (MEMS) . IEEE, 2022.
5.Han, Jinchi, et al. Molecular Platform for Fast Low-Voltage Nanoelectromechanical Switching. Nano Letters 21.24 (2021): 10244-10251.
6.Han, Jinchi, et al. A Nonintrusive Power Supply Design for Self-Powered Sensor Networks in the Smart Grid by Scavenging Energy from AC Power Line. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62.7 (2015): 4398-4407.
7.Han, Jinchi, et al. Hysteretic Modeling of Output Characteristics of Giant Magnetoresistive Current Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62.1 (2015): 516-524.
8.Han, Jinchi, et al. Enhanced Performance of Magnetoelectric Energy Harvester Based on Compound Magnetic Coupling Effect. Journal of Applied Physics 117.14 (2015): 144502.
9.Han, Jinchi, et al. Magnetoelectric Effect in Shear-Mode Pb(Zr,Ti)O3/NdFeB Composite Cantilever. Applied Physics Letters 106.18 (2015): 182901.
10.Han, Jinchi, et al. A Novel Cylindrical Torsional Magnetoelectric Composite Based on d15 Shear-Mode Response. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48.4 (2015): 045001.
11.Han, Jinchi, et al. Great Enhancement of Energy Harvesting Properties of Piezoelectric/Magnet Composites by the Employment of Magnetic Concentrator. Journal of Applied Physics 117.17 (2015): 17A304.
12.Han, Jinchi, et al. Magnetic Energy Harvesting Properties of Piezofiber Bimorph/NdFeB Composites. Applied Physics Letters 104.9 (2014): 093901.